Boarding schools

Is the school too far from your home? If so, you are welcome to stay at the Jeanne Brabants Boarding School in the heart of Antwerp or at De Spits Boarding School in the Linkeroever district.
Younger pupils can usually stay at the Jeanne Brabants Boarding School. De Spits is for the older pupils of the Royal Ballet School Antwerp . We try to accommodate all pupils requiring room and board but unfortunately our capacity is limited. That is why pupils from the last two years (B5-B6) sometimes have to look for an alternative: in a shared house or with a host family.
The school will help in the search for a decent, affordable place to stay, but the responsibility to start this search on time lies with the parents.
You can register for the dorm after registration at Prins Dries (preparatory education) or registration at the Royal Balletschool Antwerp, after an appointment with the dorm.
If you are interested to stay at one of the dorms, please be sure to contact the administrators of the dorms.
Jeanne Brabants Boarding School
Jeanne Brabants Boarding School (younger students of the Royal Ballet School of Antwerp)
Kleine Kauwenberg 27-31
2000 Antwerp
Administrator: Daniëlle Wellens
Tel: 03/ 502.02.20
The cost for residence at the boarding school, from Sunday evening 19:30 until Friday morning, is € 275.00 per month.
Weekend stays are solely intended for activities organised by the Royal Ballet School Antwerp and will be invoiced separately.

De Spits Boarding School
Internaat TG De Spits (older students of the Royal Ballet School of Antwerp)
Thonetlaan 106
2050 Antwerpen
Tel: 03/2195930
The boarding school is located in the Linkeroever district of Antwerp and is easily accessible by public transport.
The cost for residence at the boarding school, from Sunday evening 19:00 until Friday morning, is € 255.00 per month.
Weekend stays are solely intended for activities organised by the Royal Ballet School Antwerp and will be invoiced separately.